They have left in a massive bug from the original 2011 version that will prevent you from getting trophies if you go into rest mode or if your internet gets disconnected (while the game is running). What’s worse is, most people won’t even notice this Saints Row 3 Remastered Trophies glitch unles you check the Trophies menu and see the stuff you haven’t earned.
This was reported on by Reddit user ralad, who posted that going into Rest mode or your game disconnecting from the internet triggers this. If you’re playing Saints Row The Third Remastered (or more commonly known as Saints Row 3 Remastered) on PS4, you might want to check up on your Trophy progress, as it seems a Saints Row 3 Remastered Trophies glitch that was present in the original 2011 version is still happening to gamers now.